Thursday, January 24, 2008

Working Out

So I have decided that I am getting fat. I have been sitting at a desk for 7 months now, eating junk and drinking coke. So I have decided to not purchase any Coke or Pepsi to drink while at work or home. If I go out to eat......that is a different story.

On top of that, since I started my new job, I have gained 20 pounds. And for me that is a lot since I have only gained 45 pounds in the 3 1/2 years I have been married.

So my goal is to get down to 160 lbs. That is 13 lbs as of this morning.

Some of the ways I have decided to take on this adventure are:
  • Playing Basketball every Wednesday and Friday before work.
  • No soda pop unless I am eating out, which is once a month.
  • Eat breakfast before I go to work, so I don't snack at work.
  • Eat a healthy cereal like Frosted Mini-Wheats not Lucky Charms.
  • Drink 8 glasses of water while I am at work everyday. In place of other sugar filled drinks.
  • Bring a lunch to work like Ramen or left-overs so I don't eat junk/candy.
I can't think of any other ideas, but if anyone knows some other ways to "get started" let me know. I am not a big fruit and vegetable person, and salads are out the door as well.

I can't wait for Softball season to start again cuz then we can have some real fun. That seemed to keep me in pretty good shape for the most part.


Tyler and Karen Davis said...

We were all getting concerned. ha. You are too funny. We support you buddy. Get liftin and hoopin and you'll be right where you want to be.

Tim & Steph said...

I don't know if Ramen and Frosted Mini Wheats is EXACTLY what you should be eating...but it's a good start! :) haha good luck Josh!

Medal Count

What were your thoughts to the outcome of Super Bowl XLII?

How much money would it take for you to serve Michael Vick's sentence?

What is your favorite holiday