Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Bee Movie

Over Thanksgiving Laura, Jayla and I traveled down to San Diego to see my wife's family. We spent the Saturday after Thanksgiving cleaning up the back yard, there was a lot of junk from their constant remodel of their house. When we were finishing up, after about 3 hours of working and cleaning, Nick, my brother-in-law, found this beehive that was over top of our heads the entire time.

We were shocked that we had not noticed it before, and even more shocked that while working there we had not disturbed them enough that they would sting us or anything like that. So we came up with a plan to cut down the branch it was stuck to. We grabbed a 30 gallon trashcan and filled it with water, moved the trashcan to where we thought the hive would fall once we cut it.
As I positioned the trashcan in place I looked around and saw that everyone but Nick and myself had taken cover in the house. I guess we were the last, so we were the chosen. We got everyone into place, walked through the steps of survival, wrote out our last will and testament; it's a good thing my father-in-law is an Estate Planning Lawyer, he had the documents drawn up by the time we were in place.

And.......well the rest you will see below: Enjoy!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Jayla's First Date

I was wondering when this day would come. In fact I was a little worried about her first date with the neighbor Alex Howcroft. I wasn't sure how her other boyfriend Tyler Bulloch would take it, but for now he doesn't know, and we will keep it that way for as long as possible.

Though I came to realize that there was nothing to worry about and that Jayla took care of herself. In fact at a couple times on the date, Jayla would take a fry off Laura's plate and feed it to Alex.

It looks like my little girl can learn to take care of herself after all!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Incredible Birth

I was just reading on MSN about this baby that was born in India with 2 faces. It is truly remarkable and interesting to see how the baby is doing. Here is a pic of little Lali. As a parent I think I worry about stuff like this happening to one of my kids, mainly because of the way they will be treated as they grow up.
The article actually states that both mouths can drink milk and she will be able to see out of all her eyes. The condition is called "craniofacial duplication" and apparently very rare and dangerous, however baby Lali is doing just fine.

Medal Count

What were your thoughts to the outcome of Super Bowl XLII?

How much money would it take for you to serve Michael Vick's sentence?

What is your favorite holiday