Tuesday, June 24, 2008

What's in a name?

"A name is an artificial and meaningless convention", as Juliet (Capulet) so eloquently put it.

At this time I find myself struggling to find that perfect name for my unborn child. Of course I don't have to worry about the battles between the Montague's and Capulet's, but I do need to worry of how my daughter is going to go about her life. No disrespect intended, however my wife and I grew up with pretty common names, where there were other Josh's or Laura's in our classrooms growing up. We do not want that for our children.

"Joshua" in 1979 was used 31,106 times and was ranked #9 most popular. "Laura" in 1984 was used 14,801 times and was ranked #19 most popular. My name outranks hers by over 16,000; however we both feel that her name was still just as popular growing up.

I don't want my kids to have crazy names, but something a little less popular. Jayla's name was ranked #99 in 2006 and used a total of 15,209 times in the past 8 years, even though we made it up.

So now I am at a stand still, how do I compete or compare my next daughter to Jayla in regards to the name? How do I come up with a name that can compare to that of her sister's. We have come to the conclusion of the following names:

Sadee - (that spelling) Has not been in the top 1000 names in the past 18 years and is not even on the charts yet this year.
Lilianna - Has been used only 904 times in the past 3 years, and was not on the chart prior to 2005. And has not climbed above #815 of most popular.

So tell me what you think. They are both well below the averages.

*Name data are from Social Security card applications for births that occurred in the United States.


TheStewside said...

I think that you should name her Brad or go a completely different route and call her Bradley, those are really your best options.

TR said...

Tyler is your best option, but only if you think that your seed will be one of the good looking people! If you're planning on an ugly kid, then Brad is your best option; however, after seeing your family, I don't think we need to worry about you using the name of Brad.

Anonymous said...

Naming kids is a crap shoot. Those names might be below average now, but as soon as you decide on one, it will be more common than you realize. Go with Brad.

Josh said...

Well with it being a girl, I would have to say Brad is not even a choice. So thanks for playing. We have decided on Sadee. Unless something comes up, that is what we are planning.
Thanks for everyones input.

Josh said...

Well with it being a girl, I would have to say Brad is not even a choice. So thanks for playing. We have decided on Sadee. Unless something comes up, that is what we are planning.
Thanks for everyones input.

Carolina Perry said...

Before I read that you had decided Sadee was THE name, I had chosen it as my favorite one out of the two :) I like how you want your kids to have original names!
We named our daughter Emma, a VERY common name these days, but when we put together Emma Caroline Perry, we thought it sounded to pretty to pass!

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