Thursday, September 25, 2008

Entrapment or Legal?

I was eating lunch the other day and noticed a strange situation taking place on the street. There was a gentleman who was walking across the street, in a crosswalk, and a car did not stop to let him cross. All the sudden, a police car threw his car in drive, flipped on the sirens and took off after this car.I thought, "man he must have been speeding or something, going pretty fast and the cop nailed him". I went about my lunch and talking to my friend, then he noticed that the same guy was crossing the street again......guess what happened next? Yep, another police car flipped on the sirens and pulled the guy over.

As we sat there enjoying our lunch and the laughter of other people, as well as ourselves, we watched as over 25 cars were pulled over for "failure to yield the right away to a pedestrian in a crosswalk".It actually became quite fun to watch as anywhere from 4-6 cop cars lined up on each side of the street and waited in line to take down the next driver. All the while, the same guy made more than 15 passes at the same intersection, would wait until traffic would pick back up and take that first daring step into the crosswalk.I pose the question, "is that any sort of entrapment as the police try to meet quota and pull over their victims"? Please post your answers, thoughts or ticket numbers if you were caught. And beware of this same operation taking place in a neighborhood near you. It was brought to my attention today that this is not the first time a city has teamed up in an effort to meet quotas.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

As a pedestrian who was hit by a car while in a crosswalk, I say, "Go cops!!" People here in Utah are especially bad about failing to yield to pedestrians, even when they see them! It's about time cops taught these people a little about right-of-way. Next up: right-of-way at two-way stop signs and in round-a-bouts. :)

Medal Count

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