So I have been told by a number of people that........I SUCK! I hope it is mainly because I have not blogged in almost 2 months. I have just had so many things going on that I have not been able to take the time to do so.
When I say so many things, I am talking about:
A) Fantasy Football Draft

B) Setting up another Fantasy Football League

C) Playing Softball with my co-workers, and
D) Trying to sell my car, and buy a new keep the wife happy. :)

As you can see these things are all of the up-most importance. Especially the Fantasy Football, I am in a record 6 leagues this year. 3 are with the same basic group of guys. However each team is of the up-most importance. However 2 of them are only a "PICK-EM" League, so it will only take a couple of minutes each week.
Other than that, I really don't have a very good excuse for sucking it up that bad. i hope you can all continue to view my blog, it is still my goal to keep everyone informed on my life as well as my families life. And by the way, we sent my daughter, Jayla, off to San Diego for a week and we can't wait to see her again on Friday. We have missed her a ton, though it has been really quiet while she has been gone.
Oh yeah and I also had a new baby....well my wife had the baby. Sadee Lilianna Preece was born on July 26th, at 2:52pm weighed 8 lbs and was 20 inches long.

And by the way, we sent my daughter, Jayla, off to San Diego for a week and we can't wait to see her again on Friday. We have missed her a ton, though it has been really quiet while she has been gone.