Monday, August 25, 2008

Dream Come True!

Well I can officially say that one of my dreams has come true.

I now have my own Chest Freezer in my back yard. I have wanted to get one of these for the longest time. I love to buy things is big bulk and now I have the storage place to do it.
When I was growing up, my parents always bought beef from a slaughter house, a lot of the time this beef was from one of the cows that we had purchased in the spring. We would go to the cattle auction with my grandfather in Vernal, Utah (actually it was Maeser, Utah) and purchase a cow. My grandfather would then raise it through the summer, and then we would slaughter it for beef.
As a kid growing up, this was one way to make money. I would purchase the cow for about $0.97/lb and then sell it for about $1.50/lb. The extra money would go to pay my grandfather for feed and maintenance and the rest would go to the bank.

Not a whole lot of money, but about $250 per year. It was more fun than anything.

Anyway, this past weekend I bought a 7.0 cubic foot chest freezer and put it in my back yard. Now I can stock it full of excess food and beef. That just means more BBQ time for me, as the main reason I don't cook more is cause it is always at the spur of the moment.
BBQ here I come!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dude,congrats on the new baby and the freezer. Not sure which one to be happier for!

Medal Count

What were your thoughts to the outcome of Super Bowl XLII?

How much money would it take for you to serve Michael Vick's sentence?

What is your favorite holiday